S-Mark Argentina
date:2023-04-08 15:04:59
According to the 92/98 resolution that took effect in 1998, Argentina implements S-Mark mandatory certification for electrical and electronic equipment with an input voltage in the range of AC 50-1000 Vac or DC 50-1500 Vdc. The resolution divides the products into 4 groups, which will be implemented step by step from 2001 to August 1, 2004. All products must obtain S-Mark certification before they can enter the Argentine market.
Argentina is a member of the CB system, and the CB certificate and report are recognized, which can save a lot of the trouble of repeating tests and sending samples.
Argentina S-Mark safety certification does not require factory inspections. Applicants should provide Spanish nameplates (including safety warning marks) and user manuals. The S-Mark mark should be accompanied by the certification body's mark, such as: Argentina voltage is AC220V/50Hz, the plug is divided into two types: grounded type I and ungrounded type II, which should comply with the Argentina IRAM 2063/2073 standard, if the product is not attached The power cord set must be mentioned on the test report and will also be noted on the certificate.
1. Preface
3 different plugs:
<250V/10A Class I (IRAM 2073 standard)
<250V/20A Class I (IRAM 2073 standard)
<250V/10A Class II (IRAM 2063 standard)
2. Issuance of certificates
• If this product has the same structure as the CB model, you only need to pay a small handling fee and file maintenance fee.
• Safety signs must be marked on the product
• Need to perform factory inspection
3. document requirements
a. Safety test report:
CB test report plus CB certificate, IEC English version test report plus Argentina’s national requirements
b. Additional documents
• Application
• Design drawings, specifications, circuit diagrams, temperature graphs, measuring equipment list
• Product photo
• Safety warnings in Spanish are printed on the inscription
• Spanish User Manual
• Factory inspection report in Rhein, Germany
• The plug complies with Argentina IRAM 2063/2073 standard
• If the plug does not meet the Argentina IRAM standard, you need to provide additional specifications and samples of the power plug
4. review time
• 3 weeks after submission of all documents
6. Factory inspection
• Implemented by a designated agency every year
• Factory inspection can be incorporated into other safety verifications, such as TÜV Bauart, GS-Mark, etc.
6. customers need to know
• The importer should present the authorization letter signed by the certificate holder and a copy of the valid S-Mark certificate
• With the aim of protecting human beings, property and domestic animals, Argentina enacted Article 92/98 on February 16, 1998. The provisions clearly stipulate that a verification system must be used to set the minimum safety requirements for low-tension commercial electrical equipment in Argentina
• 92/98 puts forward three-stage safety requirements for the mandatory product verification system: compliance certification, type verification and product production certificate (S mark)
• Before the implementation of the S-Mark in Argentina, type verification must be enforced
S-Mark will be enforced from the following dates:
(1) April 1, 2001-Electronic materials such as electronic components, fuses, wires and other electronic devices
(2) August 1, 2001-electronic products such as:
• Electric iron
• Electric heater
• Power tool
• Refrigerator
• Ice maker
• Air conditioner
• Portable kitchen utensils
• Electric shaver
• Hairdressing supplies
• Materials for lamp holders and electric lamps
• Electric light
(3) December 1, 2001-electrical products such as:
• Lighter
• Lawn mowers and similar appliances
• Washing machine
• Dishwasher
• Kitchen utensils (excluding portable kitchen utensils)
• Microwave oven
• Electric fan
• Vacuum cleaners and floor beauty related equipment
(4) April 1, 2002:
• All appliances that have been defined by Resolution 92/98 and other appliances not listed above (such as IEC 60950, 60065, 61010,...)
(5) On December 31, 2002, all appliances with a voltage lower than 50V or higher than 63A
• IEC standards apply to components and devices related to product safety
• No EMC test required
7. Technical Information
• Argentina voltage is AC220V/50Hz
• There are two types of plugs, which are grounded Class I and ungrounded Class II
• The plug of the power cord should be verified by IRAM or TÜV Argentina S-Mark

S-MARK certification (safety)
Is it mandatory: Yes
Regulatory products: input voltage in the AC 50-1000 Vac or DC 75-1500 Vdc range
Electrical and electronic equipment in the enclosure
Factory inspection: Yes Local test: Yes
Certificate validity period: annual supervision and inspection maintenance